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Chinese translation for "factor group"

Example Sentences:
1.A brief analysis of essential pragmatic factor groups in verbal communication
2.In the research , a set of simulation equipment is developed to examine the drivers " static and dynamic fatigue . recur to the apparatus , contrast and control experiment are made among different ages , workload intension and workload factors group . the endings summarize as following : ( 1 ) driving sensation fatigue investigation ( investigation of psychological and physiologic index and contrast investigation of fatigue ) ; continuous driving load and discrete driving load investigation of fatigue
? ?门)驾驶疲劳平衡稳定性是通过在力检测台上描绘人体重心轨迹的方法,提出检测驾驶员疲劳平衡稳定指数,在不同状态下(倾斜度15 30 ‘以及闭目等状态下)对不同负荷、不同年龄分别进行测试,建立驾驶疲劳客观测试评价体系; n )经实验室研究与现场调查,通过对驾驶疲劳与驾驶时间、驾驶速度等关系的研究,提出了不同年龄、不同条件下的最大连续安全驾驶时间标准,日驾驶时间标准,最大安全行车速度标准等。
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